Web Diary Events

List of Notification/Order/Notice other than -Transfer/Appointment/for appearance in the Court
SL Description Date
9401. List of Criminal Case files reported Clear as on 03-04-2021  PDF  03/04/2021
9402. Corrigendum No. C-427/Cf. (A)/2021 dated 03.04.2021 for grant of Selection Grade pay scale  PDF  03/04/2021
9403. Functioning of High Court during COVID-19 - MODALITIES & ARRANGEMENTS (For Lucknow) dated 3 April 2021  PDF  03/04/2021
9404. Notice regarding date fixed cases from 05 to 09 April, 2021 at Lucknow Bench.  PDF  03/04/2021
9405. Order of Hon. The Chief Justice dated 03.04.2021 in continuation of order dated 02.04.2021 regarding matters date fixed at Allahabad  PDF  03/04/2021
9406. Order of Hon. The Chief Justice dated 03.04.2021 regarding assigned fresh and as fresh cases at Allahabad  PDF  03/04/2021
9407. Functioning of High Court - MODALITIES & ARRANGEMENT dated 02.04.2021  PDF  02/04/2021
9408. Order of Hon'ble the Chief Justice dated 02.04.2021 for Special Benches from 05.04.2021  PDF  02/04/2021
9409. Order of Hon. The Chief Justice dated 02.04.2021 regarding matters fixed. at Allahabad  PDF  02/04/2021
9410. Guidelines/Modalites w.e.f. 05-04-2021 at High Court, Lucknow Bench, Lucknow  PDF  01/04/2021
9411. Establishment Notification No. 9145 dated 27.03.2021 regarding transfer of PS/APS to Lucknow Bench  PDF  27/03/2021
9412. List of Civil Case files reported Clear as on 27-03-2021  PDF  27/03/2021
9413. List of Civil Case files reported Defective as on 27-03-2021  PDF  27/03/2021
9414. Nomination of Hon. Judges as Administrative Judge w.e.f. April 1, 2021  PDF  27/03/2021
9415. Notification No.C-417/Cf.(A)/2021 dated 27.03.2021 regarding grant of Selection Grade Pay Scale to the officers of UPHJS   PDF  27/03/2021
9416. Notification No.C-418/ Cf. (A)/2021 dated 27.03.2021 regarding grant of Readjusted Selection Grade Pay scale to the officers of U.P. Higher Judicial Service  PDF  27/03/2021
9417. List of Civil Case files reported Clear as on 25-03-2021  PDF  26/03/2021
9418. List of Civil Case files reported Clear as on 26-03-2021  PDF  26/03/2021
9419. List of Civil Case files reported Defective as on 25-03-2021  PDF  26/03/2021
9420. List of Civil Case files reported Defective as on 26-03-2021  PDF  26/03/2021
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